SDA Awards Guidelines

SDA Honorary General Secretary Guidelines for the SDA Awards

15 March 2021

1 Preface

The purpose of the Roll of Honour, SDA Meritorious Award and the SDA Commendation Award (collectively known as the SDA Awards) is to show gratitude and appreciation to those who have made selfless contributions to our Association, profession and the community.

2. Introduction

The SDA Awards are meant to honour Singapore Dental Association (SDA) Members who have served the Association selflessly, and to the benefit of the Association, profession or community. The Awards are to be bestowed to show the appreciation of fellow members to deserving volunteers of SDA.

3 Aim

These guidelines seek to impart the following:

  1. Selection process of the SDA Awards
  2. Criteria for the SDA Awards
  3. Privileges of the SDA Awards
  4. Records of the SDA Awards
  5. Withdrawal of the SDA Awards

4 Implementation

A) Selection Process

  1. The Honorary General Secretary, with the approval of the SDA Council, shall notify members and invite nominations for the Awards three (3) months prior to Annual General Meeting;
  2. The Honorary General Secretary shall decide on the exact closing date and time of the nominations in the notice to all members provided the period for nomination is at least one (1) month from the date of notification;
  3. Nominations should include the full names and DCR numbers of the Nominee and Proposer with a brief description of the service rendered (Nomination form is available on the SDA website). Supporting letters and/or documents may be included;
  4. Late nominations or incomplete nomination forms will not be entertained;
  5. The Honorary General Secretary shall inform the Nominee in writing to acknowledge the nomination within one (1) week of receipt;
  6. The award recipients shall be decided by a Selection Committee which will consist of the current SDA President, a past SDA President and at least 1 other member as appointed by the SDA Council;
  7. Any member of the Selection Committee who is also nominated for an award shall be replaced by another member as appointed by the SDA Council;
  8. Objections must be presented in writing to the Honorary General Secretary prior to the AGM. The house will then decide on the objection and if needed, be subjected to voting by a simple majority of the members present. Voting result is final and the SDA Council will not entertain further appeal on this matter.

B) Criteria

Roll of Honour

  1. SDA membership for at least ten (10) continuous years;
  2. Rendered outstanding service to firstly, the Association; secondly, the dental profession and; thirdly, the community;
  3. Nominee will be assessed on the length of service and the significance of contribution;
  4. Possess unblemished character, high moral standard, exemplary professional conduct and highly regarded by peers.

Meritorious Award

  1. SDA Life or Ordinary membership;
  2. SDA Committee service for at least five (5) continuous years;
  3. Rendered exemplary service in a leadership position to the Association;
  4. Nominee will be assessed on the length of service and the significance of contribution. Commendation Award SDA Life, Ordinary or Associate membership; Rendered commendable voluntary service to the Association; Nominee will be assessed on the impact of contribution.

Commendation Award

  1. SDA Life, Ordinary or Associate membership;
  2. Rendered commendable voluntary service to the Association;
  3. Nominee will be assessed on the impact of contribution.

C) Privilage pf ROH

A member bestowed with Roll of Honour shall enjoy these privileges:

  1. Invitation to SDA events;
  2. Enjoy VIP treatment at any SDA annual major conferences such as the SDA- NUS biannual meeting;

Being in records as member of Roll of Honour.

D) Records and Awards

1.Members of the Roll of Honour shall be provided with these items at the discretion of the Council:

a)A congratulatory note from the SDA President;

b)A ROH certificate signed by the President of SDA Council;

c)A plaque or equivalent; If further budget allows, a separate ceremony for the awarding of membership of the ROH.

2.The Meritorious and Commendation Award recipients shall receive:

a)A congratulatory note from the SDA President;

b)A memento

c)Announcement of recipient’s names at either the AGM or in an appropriate SDA publication or event. An award ceremony may be held at a large dental conference dinner or equivalent event.

3.An award ceremony may be held at a large dental conference dinner or equivalent event.

E) Withdrawal of the Awards

Any of the Awards may be withdrawn in, but not limited to, the following situations:

I. Automatic

If the recipient ceased to be a member due to these reasons:

  • if he is convicted in a Court of Justice for any felony;
  • If he is struck off from the Register of Singapore Dental Board;
  • If he is struck off as a member of the Association.

II. Resignation

A member desiring to resign his SDA Award shall notify the Honorary General Secretary in writing. Upon approval by the Council, his name shall be deleted from the Record of SDA Awards.

III. Cancellation

The following shall be grounds for cancellation of awards:

  • The Council shall have power to withdraw the award if the recipient’s conduct has been found to be derogatory to the good name of the Association or detrimental to the honour and interest of the dental profession;
  • The affected recipient may request for an inquiry to be held and if he so desires, be allowed to attend the meeting for the purpose of explaining his conduct.

A majority of two-thirds of the members of the Council shall be required for the purpose of exercising the power of expulsion for Roll of Honour.

Any member who has been expelled from the Roll of Honour may present his appeal to members at a General Meeting. Reinstatement can be decided via voting by a two-third majority.

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